For what it's worth, here are two pretty generic messages that you can send, translated into Chinese (In Chinese Simplified -HZ encoding). ----- Dear <Abusive Autonomous System>, The following unsolicited email appears either to have originated on and/or traversed your network, or to have come from a client of yours. If you simply have an open mail relay, please fix it. Please look into this. Regards, 親愛的不知名的系統﹐ 以下不明信件顯示出它來自于或發送到貴網絡﹐或是來源于貴網絡的某一客客'簟H缛裟阌? open email relay﹐誢OE⑺拚? 謝謝! ------ Dear <Abusive Autonomous System>, A system on my network was attacked or compromised by a system appearing to originate from your network. Below you will find relevant log entries and other information I have on this issue. Your immediate attention in resolving this matter is necessary and appreciated. Regards, 親愛的不知名的系統﹐ 我蘘網絡系統被貴網絡系統侵入或是兼容。我已OE⑾嚓P的log entries 和其它信息列放在下面。若貴網能盡快解>Q此一?-題﹐我'fOE⑷f分感謝。 ------ Daryl G. Jurbala Infrastrucutre Manager Silverchair Science + Commuications 215.823.5077 http://www.silverchair.com