Hi Kevin Nice try won't work - no such thing AS AS69999 ( 16 bit ... ;-) Of course the Genius from AS13197 may get something propagated via peers who don't filter ... ;-) - Rafi On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Kevin Gannon wrote:
Ok while you are all updating your filters I want to advertise from AS69999. Wow getting extra address space is easy :o)
Regards, Kevin
You won't believe this :)
-- /* Sabri Berisha CCNA,BOFH,+iO O.O Business Internet Trends * Join HAL!!: www.HAL2001.org ____oOo_U_oOo____ http://www.bit.nl/~sabri * ____________________________________________, +31 318648688 318643334 * DDoS: http://misterpoll.com/3517731598.html L_______________________ */
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Dear Peers/Colleagues,
We will start to announce a new prefix:
Please update your filters.
Reinder van Amerongen,
Junior. System/Network Adminstrator and Senior Cabling consultant. Bevelander Internet Services.
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