Hello everyone, DNS Track will be on June 5, 2013 Wednesday 4:45pm-6:15pm in Crescent City Ball Room. I still have some slots available if you would like to talk about an interesting DNS related subject. , We've got a very good coverage with rate-limiting, reflection attacks, dns software updates, and some other interesting topics already. (i will be sending an agenda before the track ) look forward to see you all there. please contact me directly if you have any questions mehmet On Apr 18, 2013, at 12:15 PM, Mehmet Akcin <mehmet@akcin.net> wrote:
Greetings folks
Once again we will have DNS Track in NANOG.
There has been lots of recent DNS related discussions going on in many e-mail lists and I am quite sure there will be many great DNS talks in NANOG 58 just like in previous NANOGs.
DNS Track's goal is to bring together the audience who doesn't necessarily want to know all the details of a topic but would like to spend 90 mins listening quick updates from various DNS related subjects and get some crucial information and updates.
If you are interested in talking/presenting in the DNS Track and/or want to help me organize this Track in any way, please contact me off-list. Hopefully we can inform those who do NOT spend much time dealing with DNS about some topics they were not aware.
Once I know the details of the agenda such as time and date of the track, topics that will be covered, i will share this with you.