> I guess whois is broken again, at least partially... I was hunting the > HylaFax home page, and went off to whois(1) 'tpc.int'... who aren't > listed. There isn't something I should know, is there? > Actually, this isn't a WHOIS related problem.. (although WHOIS 'could' be down as of late.. ) TPC.INT is an internal alias at Cambridge University. TPC.INT is not a FQDN.. It was real when I was playing with internet fax many moons ago. It was a system that Marshall Rose (among others) setup to route faxes across the internet to a "close" gateway that would spit it out into the telephone system at minimal cost. TPC.INT in this case stood for "The Phone Company" and was Marshall's "little" joke since it was using the Internet to deprive them of income (assuming they worked that out :-) "Hosts" inside that domain were associated with the reverse international phone number of the area you were serving and the system used a longest suffix match to get to the closest gateway. Mark.