Morning Mike, The *New Zealand Government* don't use speedtest.net as a benchmark. Our Government uses a consulting company to provide a range of tests that address the issues you're talking about and benchmarks are published each year. http://www.comcom.govt.nz/broadband-reports The user and network communities are not 100% happy with the way this testing is done either. http://www.geekzone.co.nz/forums.asp?forumid=49&topicid=73698 Some providers are know to fudge the results by putting QoS on the test paths. http://weathermap.karen.net.nz/ is a New Zealand academic project that shows their network performance in real time. This is a very useful site for demonstrating the sort of tools that Governments should be looking for when doing performance measuring. Recent work done by Jared Kells, in Australia, on consumer level network performance shows a very interesting picture (pictures are best for political people). http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1579142 Kells demonstrates that providers deliver very different results for national and international sites. Kells provides a set of Open Source tools to do your own testing. http://www.truenet.co.nz - John Butt - is a commercial start up providing another range of testing metrics which the user community at www.geekzone.co.nz seem to be much happier with as a proper indication of network performance. I have talked with John personally and can attest that the testing is fairly robust and addresses issues that you've raised. http://www.truenet.co.nz/how-does-it-work The recent upgrades of www.telstraclear.co.nz HFC network from DOCIS2.0 (25/2 max) to DOCIS3.0 (100/10 testing introduction speed) presented a range of challenges for John's testing. http ramp up speeds to 100mbit cause impact on test results, so John had to change the way they were testing to get a better performance presentation. Internode in Australia have learnt the hard way recently that consumer expectation of their new NBN FTTH network needs to be managed carefully. As a result of some very poor media press over the performance of an education site recently installed in Tasmania, they have engaged in quite a bit of consumer education around network performance. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/governments-broadband-not-up-to-... - http://whrl.pl/Rcyrhz - <http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/user/6258>Simon Hackett - Internode CEO responds. *Speedtest.net* will only provide a BIR/PIR measure, and not CIR, which is not an indicator of service quality. In New Zealand SpeedTest.net is used extensively with a number of hosting servers. The information is fundamentally flawed as you have no control over what testing the end user performs. In my case I can product three different tests from a 15/2 HFC service and get 3 different results. http://www.speedtest.net/result/1133639492.png - Test 1 - The application has identified that I am located in Christchurch New Zealand so has selected a Christchurch based server for testing (www.snap.co.nz). As you can see the results show ~7.5/2.1mbits/s. http://www.speedtest.net/result/1133642520.png - Test 2 - This time I've chosen the CityLink (www.citylink.co.nz) server in Wellington New Zealand. ~6.2/1.97bits/s. http://www.speedtest.net/result/1052386636.png - Test 3 - from 12/12/10 shows ~15.1/2.15. This was tested to an Auckland, New Zealand server. I did run a set of tests this morning to the Auckland servers as well, however they are all being limited to the same numbers as the Christchurch test (1) now. None of the servers are on my providers network and performance is governed by the peering/hand overs between the networks. Christchurch - Wellington - 320km - Christchurch - Auckland - 750km straight line distances according to Google Earth. The HFC service I'm using will deliver a through put of 15/2 for some time even at peek usage times when pulling content off the providers own network. Ok, that's enough for now. I hope this helps and let me know if you need any more assistance. Cheers Don