I care about the application layer. ps. nice work on oxidized! On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Saku Ytti <saku@ytti.fi> wrote:
On 25 September 2015 at 16:20, Ca By <cb.list6@gmail.com> wrote:
I remained very disappointed in how google has gone about quic.
They are dismissive of network operators concerns (quic protocol list and ietf), cause substantial outages, and have lost a lot of good will in the process
Here's your post mortem:
RFO: Google unilaterally deployed a non-standard protocol to our production environment, driving up helpdesk calls x%
After action: block udp 80/443 until production ready and standard ratified use deployed.
I find this attitude sad. Internet is about freedom. Google is using standard IP and standard UDP over Internet, we, the network engineers shouldn't care about application layer. Lot of companies run their own protocols on top of TCP and UDP and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Saying this shouldn't happen and if it does, those packets should be dropped is same as saying innovation shouldn't happen. Getting new IETF standard L4 protocol will take lot of time, and will be much easier if we first have experience on using it, rather than build standard and then hope it works without having actual data about it.
QUIC, MinimaLT and other options for new PKI based L4 protocol are very welcome. They offer compelling benefits - mobility, IP address is not your identity (say hello to 'mosh' like behaviour for all applications) - encryption for all applications - helps with buffer bloat (BW estimation and packet pacing) - helps with performance/congestion (packet loss estimation and FEC for redundant data, so dropped packet can be reconstructed be receiver) - fixes amplification (response is smaller than request) - helps with DoS (proof of work) (QUIC does not have this) - low latency session establishment (Especially compared to TLS/HTTP)
I'm sure I've omitted many others.
-- ++ytti