At 10:49 PM 4/5/98 -0400, Daniel O. Awduche wrote:
The WANDL network planning and analysis software can be used for this purpose (and much more).
Alternatively, you can trivially write an all "pairs shortest path" program, using, for example, the Floyd-Warshall dynamic programming algorithm (See "Introduction to Algorithms," by Corman, Leiserson, and Rivest). The same result can be gotten by running Dijkstra's algorithm |V| times (once for each node), where |V| is the cardinality of the set of nodes in your network graph.
and ospf spec gives a step by step description - took me about 100 lines of perl code in 90 minutes to get it working. sorry for this blast from the past. Jim p.s. - how is that ip navigator treating you - is there any other than the big C? (oops -that's little c, isn't it?).
Alan Hannan said:
Could someone provide a reference for a Dijkstra simulator?
Ideally this would take three sets of inputs (links, nodes, metrics) and produce edge-pair traffic flows.
Any suggestions appreciated, especially for GPL stuff that has code.