Yes, 172.16 actually IS RFC1918. Where are you getting that lookup from? I don't seem to be seeing it. And I don't see how router mismanagement would cause a bad name resolution, but maybe I'm not understanding the situation fully. Daryl G. Jurbala WorldNet Technology Consultants, Inc. Sr. Network Engineer Tel: +1.610.288.6200 FAX: +1.508.526.8500 http://www.wtci.net -----Original Message----- From: blitz [mailto:blitz@macronet.net] Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 7:33 AM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Yahoogroups Mail to yahoogroups for two days is giving some strange responses. Mail is attempting to go to when sent to a yahoogroup. This looks real strange....that block is reserved I believe? Wondering why theyre resolving to that address? Router mismanagement? Poisoning? I dont know...but its causing some grief here... Yahoo is real lax in giving some human contact addy, perhaps the esteemed group here can shed some light... Thanks..