On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Majdi S. Abbas wrote:
Sure, they filter, but they invite THEIR peers to filter them, as well. I don't see any hypocracy in that.
If filtering is "saving the Internet," why not practice what you preach?
Its a bit like complaining about poluted rivers, but continuing to dump raw sewage into the river because that's what your customers pay you to do. And saying other water systems can filter the water if they don't like it.
This may be a more interesting analogy than you intended. Many of those (me peronsally included) who advocate filtering, would be quite happy for a 'polluter pays' scheme, though pollution of the routing table this time. IE if backbone A wants to send long prefixes to its provider B, then I fully support some form of charge from B to A in order for them to accept that. Kyoto protocol all over again :-) . This way, disaggregation would be looked on as expensive, as opposed to 'morally bad'. There is much evidence to suggest the free market is good at sorting things like this out. Currently, however, we have misattribution of costs. SMD suggested this a long time ago, for routes in general (i.e. not just long ones). He's right (at least if measured over a long enough time window :-p ) -- Alex Bligh Personal Capacity