8 Jul
8 Jul
11:09 p.m.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-3: Looking for crypto map matching 5-tuple: Prot=1, saddr=, sport=29733, daddr=, dport=29733 IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map CARIBOU-VPN-1 10: skipping incomplete map. No peer, access-list or transform-set specified. IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-1: Error: No crypto map matched.
From my understanding this is caused by the crypto map not being able to establish a tunnel to the Juniper.
From that log, the Cisco is missing numerous configuration items: No peer, access-list or transform-set specified. Do you have the above specified in the crypto map within the ASA ? Cheers Chris