On 3/25/08, Peter Dambier <peter@peter-dambier.de> wrote:
proc2pl might get you ideas, from the ISAON tools on
You know, for the last year or two I've heard you go on and on about IASON. A few months ago I actually did download it and the only thing I can find in it is an assortment of scripts to manage DNS zone files. I don't see anything in there about auto detecting the network, automatically blocking DDoS or any of the other artificial intelligence you purport it has. Peter and Karin Dambier I'm not sure how to interpret this. Are Peter & Karin the same person? You be the judge. http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/images/3/39/KarinPeter.jpg Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana Google searches on Cesidian Root reveal a rather scruffy man running this alternative root out of Long Island, fighting for secession from the United States. I'm sure Most Rev. Dr. Cesidio Tallini, BS, PhD hc, CPC, RH-INHA, APP, AMBCS, MMPR, OEMTDV will get there, one day. http://www.cesidianroot.com/
You might want to have the reverend doctor contact customer care, as the website suggests. It seems the website is down.