Okay, if one is to assume the new ARIN policy is defacto, and consider that the policy is in part to keep people from justifying more space than they need, what is to keep nefarious parties from: www1.some_site.com www2.some_site.com www3.some_site.com www4.some_site.com www5.some_site.com Each with a unique IP. How would ARIN know and should it CARE whether those are 5 obsolete 386 servers that are load balanced or one guy faking his allocation? What are they going to want to verify discrete machines, MAC addresses? If a requestor has many customers like that, are they going to make decisions about how much redundancy one can offer their customers? Or that they should implement entire websites on a single server instead of two or three? Maybe I am looking into this too seriously. One could always create 10000 /30's and put a server at the end of them and call them customer PTP connections. Deepak Jain AiNET