Vadim: On your comment:
NACRs were so big headache that our implementation people dance around when they hear that there won't be any NACRs.
Beyond the technical issues which Steve Richardson mentioned where your dependency on the NACRs could have been avoided - we've had several issues regarding the knowledge base of those submitting NACRs. We've provided several phone tutorials to those people submitting NACRs on CIDR and aggregation. Over the phone tutorials of this material are a little difficult at best. I even offered to discuss this in a meeting here in Ann Arbor, but that offer was not accepted. Your people seem to rotate through the NACR submission process without the benefit of training in CIDR. I suspect their frustration with NACRs has come in part from their lack of understanding. In the past 5 months there have been massive changes to the NSFNET/ANSnet and to the Internet. These changes cause stress for us all - but lack of training aids unnecessary burdens to us all. Perhaps your management will help us all by giving you some additional time to train your implementation people. I suspect the lack of knowledge will hurt in the RADB based world as well. Sue Hares