Since we're posting articles this morning: "North Korea Has Some 600 Computer Hackers, South Korea Says"
From MIT's Tech Review Newsletter:
"They don't need physical nukes to create problems ... They (the North Koreans) could just exploit our network vulnerabilities. It's completely doable." http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/04/10/ap_2100504.asp\?trk=nl frank@fttx.org On Thu Oct 7 0:10 , 'J. Oquendo' <sil@politrix.org> sent:
I've been slowly compiling a list of known botnets should anyone care to filter, or check them in your netblocks if someone in your range is passing off garbage, etc. Information has been passed from others admins having to deal with these pest. Care to pass on a host that you're seeing I'll post it for others to see as well. Perhaps when I have spare time, I may or may not throw up something where admins can check, add, hosts they're seeing. Don't know if I want my connection getting toasted for doing so, but it could be something informative, a-la spamhaus. Bothaus anyone?
------------- Virus writers seek cash from chaos By John Leyden The Register http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/10/06/vxers_cash_in/
Last month Trend Micro, the anti-virus firm, recorded a six-fold increase in malware compared to September 2003. It detected 1,485 new items of malware last month, compared to 250 new types of malicious code in the same period last year.
Trend also records the emergence of the first JPEG virus in September, and notes that the most damaging variant of the Sasser worm - Sasser-B - is still prevalent four months after its first appearance in the wild. -------------
=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo GPG Key ID 0x51F9D78D Fingerprint 2A48 BA18 1851 4C99
CA22 0619 DB63 F2F7 51F9 D78D http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup\?op=get&search=0x51F9D78D
sil @ politrix . org http://www.politrix.org sil @ infiltrated . net http://www.infiltrated.net
"How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men high in this government are concerting to deliver us to disaster?" Joseph McCarthy "America's Retreat from Victory"