Dan Hollis wrote:
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Brian Sheppard wrote:
I doubt any such database exists publically. It's a liability issue for one and if it was being compiled, officials at the big providers would probably already have taken corrective action.
These *exact* same arguments were used/continue to be used against RBL/RSS...
...and the MAPS folks are still looking for the landmark lawsuit that will decide things once and for all. I don't think they've been sued yet. -- North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net Steve Sobol, BOFH - President, Chief Website Architect and Janitor Pictures of two of my 'children': http://www.WrinkleDogs.com About Spamfighters: "We're not net nazis. We're dot communists." - W. Arnold