13 Sep
13 Sep
11:12 p.m.
Could people pretty please not refer to 25 Broadway as 25 Broad? I used to work at 25 Broad Street, which is two short blocks east of Broadway. Real New Yorkers abbr Broadway as Bway. It's bad enough that I used to work at WTC and OLP and 60 Hudson, hearing about trouble at yet another former place of toil/joy drives me nuts, all the more so when it seems it's not the same place at all. Thanks, Barney Wolff On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 06:09:37PM -0400, Randy Bush wrote:
a bunch of older intl circuits are hauled there and some folk peer privately in 25 broad. i guess we will learn how many of those do not have good alternative paths.
would those europeans who do not get this message please reply? :-)