Yup... I was reading the same page myself. Pretty sad. My friend just forwarded me the response from NSI Support. Incredibly lame. I'm tempted to share it here, but my good twin told me not to. I'm recommending they switch registrars. regards, Carlos On 3/28/12 2:57 PM, Alejandro Acosta wrote:
Hi Carlos, You are right... I just entered with my account and after I clicked "Edit DNS" there is a dialog box which says:
"Advanced Users:
To specify your IPv6 name server address (IPv6 glue record), e-mail us the domain name, the host name of the name server(s), and their IPv6 address(es)."
See you,
On 3/28/12, Carlos Martinez-Cagnazzo <carlosm3011@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,
I just received a heads-up from a friend telling me that Network Solutions is unable/unwilling to configure AAAA's for .com/.net domains. He works for a large media outlet who will be enabling IPv6 on their sites for World IPv6 Launch Day.
I hope it's just a misunderstanding. If it's not, I would love to know if there is a reason for this, and if they have a timeline for supporting AAAA's.
It's ok to contact me privately.