In message <19971031020322.AAA5387@pokey.eng.pbi.net>, Mark Tripod writes:
I ran in to a little problem yesterday with my peering sessions wih the various route servers around the country. The problem was that I was not receiving routes from particular ASNs anymore. With a little help from Jake at Merit we were able to pinpoint the problem in my rs-in configuration. It seems that I was importing two different AS macros that each referenced the other (AS-GENUITY and AS-NAPNET). This created a loop in the macro parser on the route server which in turn nullified my routing policy.
I was wondering if anyone else had come across this little phenomenon.
Mark Tripod Senior Backbone Engineer Exodus Communications
We use different code that has loop suppression. It remembers each as-macro it has visited in an expansion and won't reenter one it has already been to. We've seen this quite a few times in the past. Curtis ps- catching up on nanog noise