I know some of you have heard this rant before, but I thought I'd send it anyway. I'm a time geek for many years, and used to run a popular open stratum 1 clock back when you had to do custom work to get 20us system clock accuracy. It always pained me when someone from Australia thought it was better to get time from my stratum 1 in the US rather than some perfectly fine stratum 2 in oz. NTP does well with random time packet delays, but will have errors with systematic differences in the out and back legs of the round trip (like asymmetric routing.) I know running an antenna wire and a roof antenna is a pain, but PLEASE PLEASE start looking at making clocks a standard part of your infrastructure and have something that describes to your customers how to get time from you. The number of open stratum 1 clocks is just not adequate for the number of people that are starting to chime. With entries in the market like this, it's not realy a matter of cost or engineering any more. I would be happy to talk to people about special situations they need to solve. jerry