On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Sean Donelan wrote: : As NANOG has experienced during the last several meetings, in any network : used by a large number of people, there will be a certain percentage of : people which bring infected computers into the network. : : http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/29/technology/circuits/29bost.html?pagewanted... : Wiring a Convention, Version 2004 : By SETH SCHIESEL : Published: July 29, 2004 : [...] : But data services have not been as solid. Many news organizations : suffered intermittent breakdowns in Internet service, and on Tuesday : evening the main press pavilion was offline for about 90 minutes. A : spokesman for Verizon said the company deliberately caused the : interruption as part of an effort to root out a more deep-seated : network problem, which the company said appeared to have been caused by : a virus carried by network devices provided by news organizations. In : the interim, a handful of data lines provided by other companies, : including AT&T, served as a backup. A buncha technically clueless newsgeeks brought infected micro$loth computers into a convention? Shocking! What's this world coming to??? Sounds like Verizon hired low-end netgeeks if they had to bring the network down to find these infected computers. tisk-tisk-tisk Verizon. MCSE != good netgeek In fact, almost all the time, the two are mutually exclusive, disjoint sets of people... :-) scott