My first thought in response to this is the vendor's support costs - wouldn't shipping more reliable images bring down those costs signficantly? Or is it just that the extra revenue opportunities gained by adding $WHIZBANG_FEATURE_DU_JOUR outweigh those potential support savings? -C On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 07:30:07PM -0800, Paul Vixie wrote:
Yeah but... these activities support existing customers with existing products, and they enable no revenue (the support fees are already in the bag). To dedicate that much engineering energy -- probably more than 50% of the corporate total if "doing it right" is the goal -- would put new customer revenue and new product revenue at risk.
Paul Vixie <vixie@eng.paix.net> President, PAIX.Net Inc. (NASD:MFNX)
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