last week i became unable to send mail to verizon users:
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; host relay.verizon.net[] said: 550 You are not allowed to send mail:sv18pub.verizon.net (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
(the above was from me trying to ask postmaster@verizon.net about it)
i'd hate to think that i've simply sent too many why-are-you-spamming-me complaints and have been blacklisted.
Probably a better question on SPAM-L. Since it's been suggested that we help with this problem of using NANOG as a personal paging service: http://puck.nether.net/netops/nocs.cgi?ispname=Verizon Now, can someone forward this to Paul? I am pleasantly residening in his killfile, according to his last response to my email. YMMV. -M< -- Martin Hannigan (c) 617-388-2663 Renesys Corporation (w) 617-395-8574 Member of the Technical Staff Network Operations hannigan@renesys.com