What kind of existing connectivity do you have? Who provides your local loop? Verizon provides ipv6 connectivity according to their website. At&t most likely does as well. Charles Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile -----Original Message----- From: "Mike Linsenmayer" <mlinsenmayer@symantec.com> Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 10:37:43 To:<nanog@merit.edu> Subject: IPV6 network feeds Hey all, I am looking for a IPV6 internet feed for our testing labs in Southern California, I know this is off subject but I am a little exasperated in trying to locate one. if anyone on the list knows of a provider please contact me off list. Thanks! Mike Linsenmayer Sr. Manager Labs Engineering QALABS Symantec Corporation www.symantec.com <http://www.symantec.com> ___________________________ Office: 424.750.7560 Cell: 805.404.1813 YIM: mike_linsenmayer ___________________________ ___________________________