MAE-LA has never been very hot. Same with NYIIX.
NYIIX isn't big, but it's the only worth connecting to in NYC at the moment. Sure, there's PAIX-NY, but it's new and didn't have many customers last I checked.
In the NY area, 111 8th ave is a far better spot than 25 Broad, which is where NYIIX is located.
I'm not convinced. Sure, everyone's in 111 8th, but it's a real pig to get around the building between carriers. If you're not careful, you end up buying 0-mile circuits off telcos to go between suites in the same building. Simon -- Simon Lockhart | Tel: +44 (0)1737 839676 Internet Engineering Manager | Fax: +44 (0)1737 839516 BBC Internet Services | Email: Simon.Lockhart@bbc.co.uk Kingswood Warren,Tadworth,Surrey,UK | URL: http://support.bbc.co.uk/