At 11:34 09/05/01, Curtis Maurand wrote:
It was my understanding (several years ago) from a 60 Minutes special done on Fairfax, VA that they had built an all fiber system (Fiber to the house). They had built it on a Video on demand system and a pay as you go (That was experimental). I'm not sure whatever happened to that. I do know that it was largely experimental, but was supposed to be state of the art. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
I live in Fairfax County and have for most of the past decade at least. If there was any fibre-to-the-home system, it was not done by the CATV folks. Media General owned the CATV system several years ago; Cox bought MG's Fairfax system, perhaps ~18-24 months back. While some surrounding areas (e.g. Alexandria, Arlington) have real HFC, they don't have FTTH from their cable company. No one I can find here has ever heard of an FTTH that went to any of their neighborhoods and there certainly isn't one now to my neighborhood. So if an experiment was here, it was never county-wide and hasn't gone production. If it was production and county-wide, it was someplace else. I do know of places with fibre-to-the-curb, mostly in Sweden, but also including Palo Alto CA and a few other US places. This is pretty far off topic for NANOG folks, lets please have followups be private rather than on-list. Thanks, Ran