Looking for one that is mostly or fully put together, or a cookbook to assemble one from parts (i.e. MySQL, PHP, Apache, 3 rubber bands, 2 gallons of perl, etc...).
ARIN themselves are happy to accept your database in various formats such as CSV files. LDAP was designed to allow queries to a hierarchical database and ARIN could allow this if people were willing to vote for it at an ARIN meeting. At least one company has built their own rwhois server as a shim over top of an LDAP server. This type of database query could also be supported by means of a standard HTTP GET query like hundreds of thousands of other web applications. Then we could put together an rwhois server in a day or two using our favourite web applications toolkit. The rwhois protocol is ancient and completely uneccessary. The rwhois service *IS* necessary and if it were implemented with some kind of standard modern toolset, then it would be widely deployed, correctly deployed and kept up to date. Please do not confuse the service with either the ancient and creaking server implementation or the unecessarily specific database query protocol. By the way, there is a mailing list ppml@arin.net where this can be discussed. Instructions to subscribe are here: http://www.arin.net/mailing_lists/index.html --Michael Dillon