Thus spake "Scott Granados" <scott@wworks.net>
Just a data point here, most hospital networks and it departments are headed by Doctor's.
In insurance companies, the networks are run by claims adjusters. In banks, they're run by loan officers. And in airlines, they're run by unionized pilots. It's not that the companies even avoid hiring competent people for the jobs -- it's that competent people refuse to work in such environments.
Hospital networks are really frightening and there is no best practices in place for the most part. There are a few exceptions but in general its unbelievable.
The part I find most amusing is how every industry is obsessed with the idea they're different from every other industry... "Sure, you sell an email program, but how many *hospitals* or *banks* have you sold your email program to?" Large bureaucracies' primary goal seems to be imitating the bureaucracies at their competitors. "Well, what does the WAN at other oil companies look like? We want that, forget if it meets our needs." S