27 Apr
27 Apr
10:09 a.m.
I was referring to the article which contained the schneier quote, not schneier. The article was written by someone at least pretending to be a journalist, and, was put out as news, not editorial or advertising. As such, it should be held to the standard that should apply to news. Instead, it was yet another example of advertising disguised as news. Owen --On Wednesday, April 27, 2005 15:42 +0930 Mark Newton <newton@internode.com.au> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 10:38:00PM -0700, Owen DeLong wrote:
So much for any sort of journalistic ethic, fact checking, or, unbiased reporting.
Schneier isn't a journalist or reporter; He's a security vendor.
- mark