One of the FUD items I keep seeing from some factions is that the FCC will regulate content on the Internet in the same way as they did for television during the time of the "fairness doctrine". In particular, these people *expect* the FCC to take a page from the IRS and start putting up roadblocks, if not outright blocks, on political content on views that differs from the views of the controlling Administration. Now, the Fairness Doctrine was not part of Title II, I agree. But we never expected the IRS to play favorites with not-for-profit organizations, either. On 02/27/2015 11:32 AM, Scott Helms wrote:
While I view that statement with trepidation, my first guess would one that isn't in violation of state or federal law. About the only things I can think off hand, ie stuff we get told to take down as hosters today, are sites violating copyright law and child pornography. I hope that we don't see any additions to that list.
On 2015-02-27 14:14, Jim Richardson wrote:
What's a "lawful" web site?
Now *there* is a $64,000 question. Even more interesting is, "Who gets to decide day to day the answer to that question?" :)