This morning on NPR, there was an interview with a lawyer that was talking about spam kings -- he stated that "Many consumers find unsolicited messages to be a benefit."... Anyway, the interview is probably accessable with real audio from their site. Thought people might be interested to see that spammers are getting some positive press. | Derek Elder http://www.accessus.net V.P., CIO | | djelder@accessus.net accessU.S., Inc. 888-637-3638 Ext. 222 | On Fri, 21 Feb 1997, John R. Sosebee wrote:
At 05:27 PM 2/20/97 -0700, Christian Nielsen wrote:
On Thu, 20 Feb 1997, Deepak Jain wrote:
There is a piece on NPR this morning about Cyber Promotions and how they are in court now with AOL, Prodigy ... and "others" for blocking their mail by using domain names .. Cyber Promotions says this is a very valuable service for many people ... aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
X-> X->Question is, who *will* be their upstream provider? As soon as you know X->an address block for their ?new? network(s), please let us all know.
well, my guess would be
Cyberpromotions Email Service (MASSMARKET2-DOM) MASSMARKET.COM
cyberpromo.philadelphia1.agis.net (
matterhorn:~$ whois cyberpromotions Cyberpromotions Email Service (BU1KEMAI-DOM) BU1KEMAI1.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (EMAIL2YOU-DOM) EMAIL2YOU.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (MASSMARKET2-DOM) MASSMARKET.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (STOPTHEBLOCK-DOM) STOPTHEBLOCK.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (SENDER2-DOM) SENDER3.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (SENDERTHREE-DOM) SENDERTHREE3.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (BULKMAGNET-DOM) BULKMAGNET.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (BULKINTERNET-DOM) BULKINTERNET.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (BULKREADIT-DOM) BULKREADIT.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (BULKPOWER-DOM) BULKPOWER.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (BULKSEEIT-DOM) BULKSEEIT.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (BULKINQUIRIES-DOM) BULKINQUIRIES.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (BULKRESPONSES-DOM) BULKRESPONSES.COM Cyberpromotions Email Service (BULKSENDIT-DOM) BULKSENDIT.COM
John sosebee@bellsouth.net (770) 392-4300