I think you misunderstood the question - what you have detailed here is a list of customer communities that UUNet accepts, what Sean is trying to find out is what internal localpref UUNet sets by default - do they automatically give prefixes from customers a higher localpref than prefixes heard from peers? I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking that they do, which makes sense - otherwise it's possible to send traffic to a peer when there could be a valid path for the traffic via a customer. -Chris On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 04:14:26PM -0500, German Martinez wrote:
SHORT NAME COMMUNITY WHAT IT DOES Local Pref = 80 701:80 set localpref 80 Local Pref = 120 701:120 set localpref 120 AS Path prepend 1 701:1 prepend 1x: 701 [cust-AS] AS Path prepend 2 701:2 prepend 2x: 701 701 [cust-AS] AS Path prepend 3 701:3 prepend 3x: 701 701 701 [cust-AS] Cust but not peers 701:20 propagate to custs, not peers keep cust routes in North America 701:30 send to custs & peers, but not 702, 703... keep AS7046 in AS701 no-export don't propagate beyond AS701 peers 701:666 don't propagate beyond this AS peers 701:1030 don't propagate beyond this AS
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On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Me wrote:
Does anyone know what local-pref AS701 sets for their customers and their peers? I called their NOC, and was told that is was set to 100 for both, though I know most providers set local-pref on peers lower than customers. I just want to get confirmation on what i was told by their NOC.
-- -sean Spoon!
-- --------------------------- Christopher A. Woodfield rekoil@semihuman.com PGP Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB887618B