I will do so. Look forward to the tour. Matt Russell Mitchell wrote:
Matt: I've already put this offer up. I'll be more then happy to meet up at our datacenter and take you through our space. What I find funny is, your the first one whom participated in the recent reports to actually take up and respond to us. I've emailed Garth and Jart, and both of them refused to respond.
I emailed both of them requesting the same information they gave to Directi. If they were able to provide Directi with a list of 20,000+ domains from their control that were abusive, why can't they provide US directly with a single 1?
Then, release a joint-statement talking about how the companies need to come together to combat the abusive activities across the net, yet when we extend our hand and open up our network, we don't even get a response!
Directi went from being a "partner in crime" with us to being a great anti-abuse supporting company. How can YOU claim that WE don't do anything, if you won't report your findings in the first place? Got recent stuff? Why are you willing to give it now that we're OFFLINE? What can we do about it NOW at this very minute?
You tell me when your going to be in San Francisco, and I'll make myself available.
Thank you for your time. Have a great day.
--- Russell Mitchell InterCage, Inc.
P.S. I just realized all my responses to earlier people like Gadi and them were direct and not cc to NANOG. Will "Reply to all" now :)
----- Original Message ---- From: Matt Jonkman <jonkman@jonkmans.com> To: Russell Mitchell <russm2k8@yahoo.com> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 4:02:15 PM Subject: Re: Atrivo/Intercage: NO Upstream depeer
Matt: It's very sad that your PROUD of you contribution to the supposed "white paper" on our company. I'd like to know, was any of your "contribution" to the report altered, or mis-represented, or are you
Russell Mitchell wrote: truly unaware of how false the information you provided was?
Care to have verified it? or are you a Spamhaus admin like John Reid who has that magic stick to make a claim and attack anyone who objects to it with the truth?
I'd love to, but nanog isn't the place. I'll be in san fran in the near future. Lets sit down over a beer, I'll bring the research and you can look it over yourself. That would be far more productive than this. I think a few other folks would love to meet up with you as well. Maybe Emil can join us too?
It's easy to insinuate from behind a keyboard. Lets get down to facts.
But take this off nanog. This is NOT the place for it. Let me know when you'l be in town, I'll schedule my travel in that direction to meet up soon.
-- -------------------------------------------- Matthew Jonkman Emerging Threats Phone 765-429-0398 Fax 312-264-0205 http://www.emergingthreats.net <http://www.emergingthreats.net/> --------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------- Matthew Jonkman Emerging Threats Phone 765-429-0398 Fax 312-264-0205 http://www.emergingthreats.net -------------------------------------------- PGP: http://www.jonkmans.com/mattjonkman.asc