From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@bbnplanet.com> Subject: Re: Can you explain why paths to same host diverge? To: booloo@cats.ucsc.edu (Mark Boolootian) Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 20:11:48 -0500 (EST) Cc: nanog@merit.edu [...] I feel obligated to ask -- is there some reason you didn't direct your query to Sprint, before asking NANOG? It really seems like this is the kind of question they should be able to answer for you, and diagnose the problem to some extent. I can't see a good reason to ask here without asking the providers in question, first. [...]
I rather suspect that you provided a much more interesting, and much more public, answer than Mark would have received from Sprint. Now, if you hadn't provided such an informative answer, your question might be a better fit. -tjs