On Tue, 2004-05-11 at 16:35, Guðbjörn S. Hreinsson wrote:
Possible someone on the list didn't understand the content, didn't realize this was sent via a mailing lists and submitted this as a spam message to SPAMCOP. Less likely someone didn't know how to get off the mailing list and this was the result.
In both cases the submitter exercised bad judgement. But the mailing list could be more helpful as well.
Further, Spamcop should implement some form of check to verify that the e-mail is in fact spam before they go pointing the finger and/or blocking mail servers. The problem of end users leveraging Spamcop to get them off of mailing lists or a simple way of DoSsing a discussion forum would become mute if some form of sanity checking was in place. Cheers, Chris