Hi, 1. ETINC - www.etinc.com - Really good with a mysql backend and gives you exactly what you are looking for. You can either buy the software and build it into a FreeBSD box or you can get the already built appliance. The price point is also quite good 2. Allot - www.allot.com -Comes with a lot of features and has a good reporting mechanism. They have boxes of different sizes and add on software for reports etc. higher priced but works very well. Regards Raymond Macharia On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Isaac Conway <ike@conwaynetworks.com>wrote:
Oh mighty list, I am curious what tools you use to generate monthly usage and billing reports for your execs? I am not really looking for a RRD type solution, rather a page I can pull up and gives me the numbers (95p, cost, overage, etc.) for the past month. Copy and paste into a spreadsheet, job complete....
We are getting to the point where we have multiple datacenters and numerous uplinks and circuits for each, I find I am spending too many hours each month compiling data.
I was thinking about writing some quick scripts to poll the router interfaces and put it to database, but I figured I would ask before re-inventing the wheel.
Thanks in advance! Isaac