A funny note! He adds exclamation marks to everything!! As if he was shouting every word!!!! He reminds me of one of those info-mercials on TV. You can place small ads in newspapers across the country and the money will roll in!!!! jas -----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of Jonas Luster Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 4:30 PM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: DDOS anecdotes * Roland Dobbins sez: : He hadn't secured his routers in the least, and betrays a stunning : ignorance of how the Internet in general and IP specifically works. Anoyne remember his 'nanoprobe' project and his claims to be able to speed up transmission of packets by 90-400 percent through some obscure Fast-ACK tricks? Gibson is unique in the way that he reads about something, tossess it around until he understands it (while losing its original meaning), adds some fake pseudo-technical babble around it and then sells it. It's not so much Gibson who frightens me, it's the folks who VC him and those who buy his bullshit. : Then he gets on his soapbox about it and proclaims that he, and only : he, knows how to save the Internet. Inflated ego. Up around when his first rant started, he was approached by some people on techsec-l which he reads and every once in a while bores with his rants. Some pointed out obvious misconceptions, other offered help. Only a moron the size of Gibson would proclaim his superiority in every reply while dutifully ignoring the points about his mistakes in the original mail. : Do realize that in the last year or so, Gibson claimed to've invented : 'stealth' scanning a la nmap. He also published some crazy method for His newest claim is to be the inventor of a "new" port scanning method which speeds up scans of the whole port range in miliseconds. He goes as far as to claim: "I feel that I should tell you . . . that I have recently figured out how to scan all of a user's 65,535 TCP/IP ports almost instantaneously!" - this man must be a god. Or at least think he's one. : your ZIP cartridges. I personally think he's unhinged, and a huckster : to boot. There's far too many of these creatures out there. The problem is - the media and you CIO love them. : most of the machines on the list seem to supposedly be routers or : switches of one stripe or another, and/or *NIX boxes. My guess is : that the vast majority of those IPs are spoofed. He also urges : service providers to take action against the supposed offenders. ... and recommends ZoneAlarm as a solution to the problem.