Wouldn't this be a Net Neutrality issue now or would it fall on HE for not willing to buy transit to Cogent IPv6? On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 5:38 PM, Ryan Rawdon <ryan@u13.net> wrote:
On Dec 1, 2015, at 1:23 PM, Max Tulyev <maxtul@netassist.ua> wrote:
Hi All,
we got an issue today that announces from Cogent don't reach Hurricane Electric. HE support said that's a feature, not a bug.
So we have splitted Internet again?
I have to change at least one of my uplinks because of it, which one is better to drop, HE or Cogent?
There is another option, instead of choosing just one - perhaps establish a tunnel to HE from a L3 device that can do the tunneling in hardware? You can get a HE tunnel for free, and they will speak BGP to you.
Alternatively, if you are on any IXes where HE is present - they will not only peer with you for v6, but announce a full table if you want it.