Howdy All, While I agree that it might be politically entertaining to let this one blow up as a demonstration of how ARIN conducts business, this list of networks includes too many small networks who likely don't have a savy networking engineering team. In my opinion, they are not acceptable collateral damage to demonstrate ARIN's lack of regard for the community in shutting this down without a transition plan for the RPSL objects, so as one of the admins for the ALTDB IRR database, I've taken it upon myself to create proxy registrations for all of these prefixes in ALTDB. Like any proxy registration, asset owners are welcome to contact the maint POC, and if no response from them, db-admin@altdb.net, requesting that stale records be deleted, but please also note that ALTDB automatically deletes any route objects which conflict with a publishes RPKI ROA, so the most effective way to clean up stale IRR records is to publish RPKI ROAs for your address space. -- Kenneth Finnegan ALTDB Admin http://blog.thelifeofkenneth.com/ On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 8:59 AM Job Snijders via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
Dear all,
On Sat, Apr 02, 2022 at 09:09:58PM +0000, John Curran wrote:
As previously reported here, ARIN will be shutting down the ARIN-NONAUTH IRR database on Monday, 4 April 2022 at 12:00 PM ET.
It is quite likely that some network operators will see different route processing as a result of this change, as validation against the ARIN-NONAUTH IRR database will not longer be possible.
Please be aware of this upcoming event and make alternative arrangements if you are presently relying on upon routing objects in the ARIN-NONAUTH IRR database.
I ran an analysis just now in which I created an intersection between prefixes observed in the BGP default-free zone and exactly matching route:/route6: objects in ARIN-NONAUTH. I then substracted exact matching objects found in the RADB, ALTDB, TC, NTTCOM, LEVEL3, RIPE, and APNIC IRR sources. The result is a list of routes which might experience service disruptions due to missing IRR objects.
The below 2,749 Prefix + Origin AS pairings are at risk as a result of ARIN shutting down the ARIN-NONAUTH IRR database. Any potential effects are likely to manifest themselves in the coming 24 - 32 hours. Prior to this announcement, ARIN consulted with its community on the future of its IRR service.
I voiced objection and raised concerns about (what appeared to be) limited visibility into what exactly the effects of such a database shutdown would mean for the Internet: https://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-consult/2021-March/001237.html Other community members also shared concerns: https://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-consult/2021-February/001195.html A number of graceful alternative mechanisms were proposed, but not acted upon: https://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-consult/2021-March/001240.html
One might argue "well, folks had more than a year to move their objects!", but on the other hand, it is entirely possible not all the right people were reached, or in cases where affected parties did receive a communication from ARIN, they perhaps were unable to understand the message.
Please check if any of your prefixes are on the below list, and if so, double check whether your IRR administration is able to overcome the disappearance of ARIN-NONAUTH. Godspeed!
This tool might be useful: https://irrexplorer.nlnog.net/
Kind regards,