The following is from Computer Reseller News, 720 dated 1/20/97, page 7: "Vars Concerned over IP Payment Plan", by Sam Masud, Washington ... 8< snip "The registry would have ISP's pay annual fees between $2,000 and $20,000, depending on the amount of IP space bought. Web site owvers would be slapped with a one-time fee of $2,500 to $10,000.. Network Solutions Inc., a vendor charged with allocating Internet addresses through a division called InterNIC, said the registry proposal is up for comment but could be implemented within three to six months following discussion." ... I did NOT make this up or base it on unsubstantiated rumor. ---------- From: Steve Kann <stevek@SteveK.COM> To: NetSurfer <netsurf@pixi.com> Subject: Re: Domain Rant. Date: Thursday, March 20, 1997 7:36 AM NetSurfer writes:
If you think $50 is bad, just wait and see if the $20,000/year/domain
Please stop spreading vicous unsubstantiated rumors, Mr. NetSurfer. No one has proposed any "$20,000/year/domain" charges.
#include <standard.disclaimer> _ __ __ _____ ____ / | / /__ / /_/ ___/__ _______/ __/__ _____ / |/ / _ \/ __/\__ \/ / / / ___/ /_/ _ \/ ___/ / /| / __/ /_ ___/ / /_/ / / / __/ __/ /
================/_/=|_/\___/\__//____/\__,_/_/==/_/==\___/_/=============== BTW: It is customary to prefix signatures with the string "\n-- \n", such that mail user agents can skip over them. Unless, of course, that cool banner is part of your content. ----- 8< snip Fixed - thanks!