Marc Hurst writes:
So? As soon as the Canadian Government directs the IANA to delegate ".ca" to Skyscape I am sure the IANA will change the delegation. Your statement has no relevance to this discussion.
The Canadian government had zero input in the selection of the University of British Columbia having this authority.
The way it works is simple. When a government directs the IANA to change a delegation for a country domain, it gets changed. If the government chooses not to give direction, IANA delegates to the best organization it can. Whether the Canadian government chose to get involved is immaterial -- if it chose, it would be obeyed. This whole thing started because some idiot called IANA listening to the Hatian government's request about the disposition of .HT an "abuse of power". Perhaps the reassignment was due to Hatian corruption, but that isn't within the power of the IANA to control, and certainly the IANA doesn't get any benefit out of the situation. Perry Speaking personally, and not in any official capacity