In the immortal words of Barry Shein (bzs@world.std.com):
On September 30, 1998 at 14:40 jshaw@insync.net (Joe Shaw) wrote:
All that proves is someone has a sense of humor. I've seen plenty of sites with these types of greetings, and they aren't hard to setup. I had a friend who setup his SMTP server to say:
No I think it indicates that a bunch of clowns have taken over what advertises itself as the official US office of the Consulate of the Kingdom of Tonga.
Um, Barry, it indicates nothing other than that they're running "Obtuse SMTPd" -- it (and its silly smtp messages) has been around for years now, and it's generally regarded as being a fairly useful little package. I'm honestly surprised that you'd never run across it before. I first saw it about two years back while watching a manual sendmail queue run, and about spit my coffee into the keyboard from laughing. http://www.obtuse.com/smtpd.html -n ------------------------------------------------------------<memory@blank.org> "He has been known by many names; the Prince of Lies, the Director, Lucifer, Belial, and once, at a party, some obnoxious drunk kept calling him 'Dude'." <http://www.blank.org/memory/>------------------------------------------------