On Jan 5, 2016, at 00:09 , Mikael Abrahamsson <swmike@swm.pp.se> wrote:
On Mon, 4 Jan 2016, Jared Mauch wrote:
I for one welcome the iOS update that brings v6 APN native access to my phone, or at least v4v6 APN setting.
That's not how it's done on Apple, they (together with the operator) control the APN settings. There are several mobile networks that run IPv4v6 on iOS (all LTE enabled devices support this) for almost a year (I believe it was iOS 8.3 in March 2015 that started to support this for more general 3GPP providers).
But getting IPv4v6 bearer working in a mobile network is non-trivial and it still brings the CGN mess, so a lot of mobile providers prefer to use IPv6 only with translation to reach IPv4 sites. That's where Cameron is coming from, and it's perfectly understanable mode of operation.
Except that the only mode of translation Cameron is willing to support is the one which isn’t available in iOS, so we have a religious war between T-Mo and Apple where T-Mo says “Support 464Xlat or suffer” and Apple says “No, you support one of the mechanisms already supported in iOS”.
Apple seems to be working to make IPv6 only+AFTR happen and I have good hopes that they'll succeed in 2016.
Good that one of them is finally backing down on the previous stupidity, but for a variety of reasons, I wish it had been T-mo. Owen