Lets see you allocate an ESF B8ZS Clear Channel T1 over IP....
PDH is dead.
POTS is only alive because you can emulate PDH still, and extracting a single DS0 from SDH is easy, and because the POTS user interface is well understood by a very large installed user base.
PDH = Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy This refers to muxing up DS0's into DS1's into DS2's into DS3's, i.e. TDM stuff over twisted copper pairs. SDH = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy and refers to optical fiber links like OC3, OC12 and OC48. In North America the SDH standard is called SONET (Synchronous Optical Network).
However, there are neat plans for SS7 and neater plans for doing clever things with interpreting DTMF.
Signalling System Number 7 is the packet switched control protocol used by the telephone networks to exchange control and billing and caller-id and similar info. DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) is an in-band signalling mechanism more commonly called "touch tones".
on aggregating up local access lines into VC11/VC12, dropping that into a POP-in-a-box at STM-16 and pulling out STM-16c to a big crunchy IP router.
I don't know everything. Sean will have to translate VC11 and VC12. STM means Synchronous Transfer Mode. An STM-1 has the same bandwidth of OC3 so an STM16 will have the same bandwidth as OC48. Therefore STM-16c will be like OC48c in that the bandwith is "concatenated" into a single big pipe rather than a bunch of smaller channels.
All I ever did was sit down with pst and tli and hack and slash at the 10.2-viktor caching scheme to try to get traffic to avoid moving over to the stabler of the two lines between ICM-DC and RENATER.
Again, Sean will have to identify pst, but tli is Tony Li of Juniper formerly of Cisco and 10.2-viktor is one of many IOS versions. I suppose most people realize that ICM-DC is ICM in Washington DC and RENATER is a large network in France.
Oh that and helping beat on CEF/DFIB packet-by-packet load balancing before my last retirement.
Once again, I'm at a loss as ti what CEF/DFIB stands for.
Points if you know who Leon and Viktor are. Hint: they're both as dead as PDH.)
Thinking of dead philosophies made me think of Leon Trotskiy by Viktor escapes me. Obviously not omniscient, eh? :-)
Finally another ABR demon is in the decay of the rate at which a VS is allowed to send traffic, which in the face
ABR (Available Bit Rate) is another ATM service something like VBR with flow control and guarantees. The VC is a bunch of concatenated subconnections and a VS (Virtual Source) is the end point of one of these subconnections.
This gets talked about quite frequently on the NANOG list. I suggest you investigate the archives. I'm sure Michael Dillon can point you at them. He's good at that.
*grin* Actually I *WAS* about to suggest this very thing. You see folks, Sean packs a whole lot of information into these messages and whether you agree with his conclusions or not it would pay off to review the meanings of the various acronyms he uses and then head off to the archives conveninetly located at http://www.nanog.org and re-read his recent postings. Even if he is wrong about some of these things he has clearly done a lot of research and thinking about the problems we all face in deploying a global ubiquitous always-on network. ******************************************************** Michael Dillon voice: +1-650-482-2840 Senior Systems Architect fax: +1-650-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. http://www.priori.net "The People You Know. The People You Trust." ********************************************************