Congrats. Ask your ISP for non-generic rDNS, in your domain, so I know where to send the abuse reports.
I did. "Reverse *what*?" Just to clue you in. They used to have the only two authoritative servers for their reverse zone sitting on the same LAN with the IP#s next to each other. Then that LAN goes out (happens from time to time) ther is *NO* rDNS, with the obvious "lame delegation" time-outs from servers I (as a customer of theirs) try to access. (In all fairness, I just checked my facts, and it seems as they have recently improved on that situation.) Like I said, I barely trust them to move bits to my box.
I don't mind at all. Get rDNS that provides a clue that you have a clue, and I'm happy as all get out to accept mail from you. Otherwise, you're functionally identical to fifty million spam zombies, as far as I have time to determine.
Understand me? You're the /rare exception/.
I *understand* that I'm a rare exception. The problem is that the world *won't let me* be a well functioning exception. My ISP won't let me have my own rDNS, and "you" won't let me use port 25 properly.
Because that's how things are today. You're a 1-in-50-million chance, as far as I can tell from my mail server.
With that attitude you're never going to improve things ... Cheers, /Liman