Many other organizations who were innovating will be affected by the new rules. Many of those organizations are very small and cannot afford the army of lawyers that Verizon can. Judgements as to whether Net Neutrality helps or harms any specific industry will be inevitably guided by politics. The mere fact that politics has become a guiding factor in Internet-related public policy is an indicator that we must tread cautiously. And, no, I do not think recent regulatory efforts have been suitably cautious. Enacting unpublished rules violates the spirit and history of open design, open discussion, and open standards that have made the Internet what it is today. Kelly On 3/9/15, 10:55 AM, "list_nanog@bluerosetech.com" <list_nanog@bluerosetech.com> wrote:
They want to bang on about the ruling harming innovation and competition. My response: "Well, you were neither innovating nor competing as is, so no harm done."
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