Hi, On 23.03.2021 14:49, Mark Tinka wrote:
[...] Keeping it simple so you can reach your result faster and most efficiently is often understood more by the kids than us geezers. While we are fighting about whether Discourse or Mailman are appropriate, the kids have probably dumped both and found something that gets them to the promised land 5 seconds after they install the app.
...only to end up with yet another account at yet another data mining (future) monopolist butchering standards... I'm all for moving with the flow and embrace new things as long as it's based on open standards, open protocols, does not lock people in to a specific platform, etc., is decentralised and federated and gives users the choice (e.g. choice of MUA / MTA, or XMPP client, etc.). The trend to force everything to web-based or only THAT particular app is a fundamental step backwards towards significant less of choice on the internet. To just give in (or up) and say, well, that's what the youngsters now prefer is to move even more towards a world dominated by a few global monopolistic players who don't give a darn about open standards, open protocols, not locking people in, decentralisation and fedaration... And youngsters - as with anything in life - need to be educated and made aware of that (spoken as a former teacher). Sec