Macs are macs, Windows is windows and mail is mail whether you're in Mumbai or Memphis. As long as the language skills are good and the people are well trained, it should be mostly irrelevant, IMHO.
The problem, IMO is that the sort of organization that wants to reduce labor costs from $11/hr to $1.50/hr (all numbers made up out of thin air) by moving tech support offshore is likely to be the sort of organization that reduces labor costs from $1.50 to $1.15/hr by moving tech support from an offshoring house that provides well-trained people with good language skills to one that provides warm bodies and asinine scripts. I'm know there are good tech support people in India-- I've dealt with some of them-- but the overwhelming majority of times I've ended talking to Indian tech support I've gotten people who are as fluent in English as I am in Hindi and as familiar with the technology they are "supporting" as I am with rebuilding transmissions ("not at all" and "not at all" respectively). That said, Merry Christmas to all and I hope Santa brought extra eggnog to any poor souls working tech support this evening, on any continent. :^) -- Dave Pooser, ACSA Manager of Information Services Alford Media http://www.alfordmedia.com