On 30/10/2008, at 11:32 AM, Steven King wrote:
Kind of a side question but we have not implemented IPv6 in our network yet, nor have we made any plans to do this in the near future. Our management does not see a need for it as our customer base is not requesting it at this time.
Does anyone see any benefits to beginning a small deployment of IPv6 now even if its just for internal usage?
Do your customers ask for IPv4, or do they just connect to the "Internet" as you tell them? Your customers are never going to ask, unless they have some propeller- head who wants to be on the latest "version of the Internet". If you tell them that you're giving them IPv6 service, you'll find they start using it, and they'll ask other providers for it when re- evaluating their service providers, and decide to stick with you as you're forward looking and all that stuff. I'm so over this chicken/egg thing it's not even funny, just do it already. Well, if you don't it's no problem I suppose, your users are automatically tunnelling across you already. If you're only thinking about doing a small IPv6 deployment now, you're behind the curve. -- Nathan Ward