On (2014-01-16 09:19 -0800), Cb B wrote:
I hope QUIC does not stay on UDP, as it may find itself cut off at the legs.
Any new L4 would need to support both flavours, over UDP and native. Over UDP is needed to be deployable right now and be working to vast majority of the end users. Native-only would present chicken and egg problem, goog/fb/amzn/msft etc won't add support to it, because failure rate is too high, and stateful box vendors won't add support, because no customer demand. And what becomes to deployment pace, good technologies which give benefits to end users can and have been deployed very fast. IPv6 does not give benefit to end users, EDNS does not give benefit to end users. QUIC/MinimaLT/IETF-transport-standardized-version would give benefit to end users, all persistent connections like ssh would keep running when you jump between networks. You could in your homeserver specifically allow /you/ to connect to any service, regardless of your IP address, because key is your identity, not your IP address. (So sort of LISPy thing going on here, we'd make IP more low-level information which it should be, it wouldn't be identity anymore) Parity packets have potential to give much better performance in packet loss conditions. Packet pacing seems much better on fast to slow file transfers. -- ++ytti