Jeff Wheeler <jsw@inconcepts.biz> wrote: Hello Jeff,
On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 3:23 AM, Mehmet Akcin <mehmet@akcin.net> wrote:
if you know anyone who is filtering /48 , you can start telling them to STOP doing so as a good citizen of internet6.
I had a bit of off-list discussion about this topic, and I was not going to bring it up today on-list, but since the other point of view is already there, I may as well.
Unless you are going to pay the bill for my clients to upgrade their 3BXL/3CXL systems (and similar) to XXL and then XXXL, I think we need to do two things before IPv6 up-take is really broad:
1) absolutely must drop /48 de-aggregates from ISP blocks 2) absolutely must make RIR policy so orgs can get /48s for anycasting, and whatever other purposes
I used to be (or still am) on the same page as you are. I was dropping everything smaller than a /36 from PA ranges at the edge. I recently had to relax this filter, because Cloudflare seems to insist on throwing tons of /48s from their 2400:cb00::/32 into the air without an aggregate. And guess what the popular cloud reverse proxy for IPv6 webpages is these days ... cloudflare. Yes, it sucks, yes, I wrote them, but no answer and no change. Best Regards, Bernhard